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    Teachers, also human beings, are also loaded with complicated and individualized software running on a similar operating system and hardware build. Sometimes things do not run the way they are supposed to. Classroom behavior gets a little blurry and out of focus. In the US school system, keeping students in order is a major function of the school system. With a deprecated unit running in their network (the misbehaving child), bells and whistles alert the teacher (or parent, principal, etc.) that a problem must be fixed. One of the newer utilities for focusing blurred units is Ritalin. It has been earning great reviews. So did Windows 3.1 for a few years. We now realize it was a limited application and it cannot serve the needs of most people using computers today. Ritalin is like Windows 3.1. It might be good in a few cases but a wide distribution of it would cause a huge amount of lost functionality for any organization relying upon it.
    Therefore, this is my dream. We pay careful attention to the child's environment. What is going on the child's home life? Are the parents willing to learn about and improve their behaviors that adversely affect the behavior of their child? Humans learn through reinforcement. Any behaviors that a child ever emits can be reinforced and supported. We must be careful about how we reinforce behavior. Even when we reinforce a behavior negatively, the behavior increases. Those who do not agree might want to experiment with their children. Carefully observe how your own actions directly affect the actions of children. I want this to be the solution to problems with ADHD children, a behavioral analysis of the supervising adults as well as a diagnosis of the child.
     The actions of children are clues to problems in their environment. My parents divorced 6 months after I stopped taking Ritalin. They had been struggling to cope with each for years. I, their child, displayed behaviors symbolic of the problems in our household. Children are a great insight for realizing problems in Adult behavior management. If children are scoring poorly on a particular test, how well were the preceding lessons taught? Children shuffle around in their desks, are the chairs uncomfortable or ergonomically incorrect? Such lines of reasoning seem more logical as ways to assess behavioral problems. They will yield results where the underlying sources of problems are dug up, lessons are learned, and new methodologies are developed. Instead of drugging a child to achieve desired behaviors, I encourage a thoughtful analysis of how we structure that child's environment.

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